首页 财经 2020年两会之声 国际艺术名家献礼两会——牟晓平

2020年两会之声 国际艺术名家献礼两会——牟晓平


 牟晓平,中国山东省人,汉族,堂号:垛拙堂,自由职业画家, 艺术活动家。擅长用中国画的写意手法画猫。



 Mou Xiaoping, a native of Shandong Province, China, Han nationality, hall number: Duo Zhuo Tang, freelance painter and art activist. He is good at painting cats with the freehand brushwork of Chinese painting. In Mou Xiaoping's view, cats are animals with intelligence, special skills and great wisdom. He thinks that painting cats can express his thoughts and feelings, and at the same time bring some philosophical, cultural, religious, artistic and life thoughts and tastes to everyone. Mou Xiaoping's paintings of cats are unique in language and style. Some of the cats he painted were innocent and childlike, while others were dignified and energetic. But on the whole, his paintings are dull and rustic, and stand on their own merits.




 The connotation of Chinese freehand painting is extensive and profound. Mou Xiaoping's paintings of cats seek the combination of masculine beauty, wisdom and interest, and explore the magic power of ideas and ink infiltration and evolution. He has publications in China, including the Collection of Poems Written by Mou Xiaoping on Cats, the Collection of Paintings by Mou Xiaoping on Cats, the Collection of Paintings by Mou Xiaoping and the Collection of Paintings by Friends of Mou Xiaoping (Contemporary Chinese Art) edited and published by China Federation of Literary and Art Publishing House. He interacted with more than 100 famous artists who are almost the top in China to explore the unique art form of painting friends, which is also unique in the international art space.








 Drawing Old Cats Heart by Heart Mou Xiaoping I like to draw cats. Not only was it an accidental coincidence that prompted me to paint it, but also the call of those wonderful memories of my childhood when I stayed at my grandmother's house, in the fragrance of acacia flowers in the deep spring, and when I lay in the company of an old cat. Cats are human friends. Cats are known for their sagacity, intelligence, alertness and ferocity. Cats are considerate, mischievous, cute, gentle and lovely when they get along with people. They are very liked. According to the different breeds and colors of cats, the ancients gave cats many beautiful and pleasant names in the book Xiang Mao Jing, which is passed down in the world in China: those with white black paws are called "stepping on snow Xun Mei", those with white black tails are called "dragging a gun in snow", those with dots on their heads are called "beating cherries with iron bars", those with white dots on their bodies are called "money plum blossom", those with white or black body, and those with a yellow mark on their backs are called "General Hangyin", etc.





 “铲屎官”,网络流行语,意指给猫、狗铲屎的人类。 爱猫人士将自己比作铲屎官,以表诙谐幽默气氛。多数用来指养猫、养狗者。但是猫和狗太不一样了,做为狗人类可以奴役它摆布它使唤它,而猫人类很难驾驭摆布奴役它。既然不能驾驭摆布奴役,它就应该没有什么用处,可猫能用它的魅惑让人类对它不离不弃。


 In the biological chain of the animal kingdom, felines are the supreme rulers of animals. Just as mankind is the supreme ruler of the earth. Human beings can control the goshawk, vulture and carved owl flying in the sky. The control of whales, sharks and dolphins swimming in the water and the control of elephants, tigers and lions walking on land are not only amphibians, but also cats. All animals far away from human beings are either hunted or controlled. All animals and livestock close to human beings are either enslaved or slaughtered. Only the old cat has the intelligence and wisdom to play "Taiji Pushing Hands" with human beings. "Scraper" is a catchword on the Internet, which refers to people who shovel excrement on cats and dogs. Cat lovers compare themselves to shovels to show a humorous atmosphere. Most used to refer to owners of cats and dogs. However, cats and dogs are very different. As dogs, humans can enslave them to manipulate them, while cats and humans can hardly manipulate them to enslave them. Since it can't control slavery, it should be useless, but cats can use its charm to make human beings stick to it. Cats can get close to human beings and get along with human beings not far away. Cats are the only animals in the animal kingdom that can penetrate into the private living place of human beings, and can walk between human beings and nature independently, freely and freely. It can not only "easily enter, but also play out at will". Its superb intelligence has left a magical and mysterious, subtle and different landscape for the world.




 There is a science in the world called bionics, which means that human beings can learn from animals to improve and develop their knowledge. Among them, when humans and cats have been together for a long time, can we learn something about life, survival and life from them? Since painting cats and writing cats, I am willing to explore and think about some ideas and problems from many aspects and different angles of philosophy, culture, religion, art and life.






 There are many masters who painted cats in Chinese history. In ancient times there were Yi Yuanji, He Zunshi, Wang Weilie, Zhu Zhanji, etc., in modern times there were Wang Shishen, Cheng Zhang, Ren Yi, Ren Xiong, Ren Xun, etc., and in modern times there were Xu Beihong, Liu Kuiling, Cao Kejia, Huang Zhou, etc. There are also some famous artists whose paintings of cats are not many, but the levels are as high as the 8th National Congress, Qi Baishi, Pan Tianshou, etc. After searching through a large number of books on traditional Chinese painting theory and the works of famous artists who painted cats, I have roughly classified cats painted by famous artists of all ages into six categories: cute, agile, spontaneous, masculine and powerful, dull and strange, and intelligent imitating human beings. Influenced by the "six laws of sheikh", the "pictographic description of things to be said and the transfer of models to be written" went deep into the thoughts of famous artists. cats painted by famous artists of past dynasties can be described as lifelike and vividly drawn. Clever and lovely artists include Cao Kejia, etc., agile and clever artists include Cheng Zhang and Ren Yi, etc., natural and spontaneous artists include Huang Zhou and Liu Kuiling, masculinity and ferocity artists include Xu Beihong, etc., blunt and extraordinary artists include the Eight Major Artists and Pan Tianshou, etc., but intelligent and anthropomorphic cat paintings are scattered among the people, and few painters paint. Since there are few subjects in this kind of cat painting, such as intelligent personification, this determines the emphasis and foothold for my writing angle of cat painting.



 “拟人”在写意花鸟画中是一个很高的境界,而“似与非似之间”又是写意画的最高形式。把猫画的睿智拟人,简而言之就是拿着猫当人物来画。 我把猫当成了我的一个动物朋友,我让我笔下的这位动物朋友替我代言,以猫喻人,以猫抒怀,以猫寄情,赋予猫“思想生命、人文品格”,把描绘我自己心中之猫的‘意’,放在描绘自然界之猫的‘形’之中,使我画的猫成为真正意义上的“载意之形”。

 画最终都是要给人去欣赏的,通过"拟人”的方式把画的猫人格化,能够更好地彰显作品主题的魂魄与思想。我要通过我写的'心中之猫'在精神的羽化和形态的演化中实现我自己的价值追求,通过画猫来抒发表达我的思想和情感。正是“拟人” 这个最高境界与“似与非似之间”这个最高形式,在画猫艺术的追求中实现其自己内心深处的巅峰对决与和谐统一。

 "personification" is a very high realm in freehand flower-and-bird painting, and "between similarity and non-similarity" is the highest form of freehand painting. The wisdom and personification of the cat painting, in short, is to take the cat as a character to draw. I regard cats as one of my animal friends. I let this animal friend in my pen speak for me. I use cats to describe people, express my feelings, express my feelings with cats, endow cats with "ideological life and humanistic character". I put the "meaning" depicting cats in my heart into the "shape" depicting cats in nature, so that the cats I draw become the "shape of meaning" in the real sense. In the end, the paintings are all to be appreciated by people. The personification of the cats in the paintings through "personification" can better show the spirits and thoughts of the theme of the works. I want to realize my own pursuit of value through the emergence of spirit and the evolution of form through my "cat in the heart", and express my thoughts and feelings through painting cats. It is the highest realm of "personification" and the highest form of "similarity and dissimilarity" that realize the peak confrontation and harmonious unity in the pursuit of cat painting art.



 画家的心胸决定作品的境界,画家的眼力决定作品的层次与品味。 艺术品的创作理念运用手法是相通相融可以相互借鉴的,但是画种和基调确是有着明确的切割和界定。譬如:人们对一幅好的工笔画的评判是:神形兼备,精美绝伦,唯妙唯肖等等。而对一幅好的写意画则是截然不同的另一番评价:解衣磅礴,苍厚雄渾,大气凝炼等等。如果我们对一事物区别与它事物的显著标志搞不清楚,在大脑里没有清晰地界定与划分,洞察高层次高水平高标准的艺术境界和档次理念就不会建立起来,就无法创造高水准的作品。

 我是画写意猫的画家,“阳刚雄浑 老辣奇崛 睿智灵动 顿拙大气”是我的追求。不喜不媚不甜自成一格,笔墨走顿拙质朴一路,钝拙烙印和阳刚符号,肃稳的特色基调,是我追求的风格。

 The painter's mind determines the realm of the work, and the painter's eyesight determines the level and taste of the work. The artistic creation concept and application methods are interlinked and can learn from each other, but the painting type and tone are definitely cut and defined. For example, people judge a good fine brushwork painting as having both spirit and form, exquisite and unique, etc. But to a good freehand painting is a completely different evaluation: the clothing is majestic, thick and vigorous, the atmosphere is condensed, and so on. If we don't know clearly the difference between one thing and the obvious signs of other things, and if we don't clearly define and divide it in our brains, we won't be able to establish the artistic realm and concept of high level, high level and high standard, and we won't be able to create high-level works. I am a painter of freehand brushwork cats, and my pursuit is "masculine, vigorous, old, hot, unique, intelligent, clever and clumsy". I like it or not, but it is not sweet and it is my own style. My pen and ink are plain and plain. My blunt and clumsy branding and masculine symbols, as well as the stable characteristic keynote, are the styles I pursue.





 The connotation of Chinese painting is extensive and profound. Freehand Chinese painting is recognized as the highest cognitive level of Chinese painting in the world. The supremacy of freehand brushwork spirit has pushed literati painting to a very important position. Literati painting is characterized by a low starting point but a very high achievement point. Its starting point is as low as that any painter can pick up a pen and discard it with a cursory stroke. However, it is not easy to draw a good literati painting that is recognized by experts, recognized by society and loved by the public. There are at least three difficulties in literati painting. First, kung fu is outside the painting. That is to say, the painter who paints literati paintings should have experience of tempering and suffering. We must have the results of "both internal and external repair." To have all the conditions for painting literati paintings. For example, although they are not well-educated and versatile, they should at least have the knowledge and level of philosophy, literature, ethics, history, nature, poems and songs, etc. Second, kung fu is savvy. In addition to being familiar with the development trend of traditional literati painting and contemporary literati painting, as well as the understanding of schools and famous artists, the mastery and control of literati painting methods, etc. There is also an understanding of the "three days". One is talent. It is necessary to have a natural talent to master the freehand painting or a personality characteristic to feel the freehand painting that is gradually discovered after training. The second is the natural opportunity. I can find a path to the artistic height of literati painting that suits my climbing. Third, nature. Pen and ink individuality from natural formation. Third, kung fu is in the realm. Literati painting writes about "mood", seeks "transformation" and seeks "artistic conception". Literati painting is not for painting, but to Ouyang Xiu's "Drunk Weng Ting Ji" that "Drunk Weng's meaning is not wine, but also between mountains and waters". People who paint literati paintings express their inner feelings with their unique vision and high-quality techniques. Through the display of "one flower, one world, one leaf, one Buddha", they express the true, the good and the beautiful in a sublime way through their perception of the world and the height of their understanding of life, the depth of their rational body odor, the width of their three-dimensional vision and the angle of view different from others.






 Today, as China has entered a new era of deepening reform and opening up, the art community is presenting a new colorful situation. The open, inclusive, pluralistic and independent way of thinking has continuously impacted the artists' thoughts. The courage to explore and innovate has become a conscious action in the industry. Art creation has become ever more active and prosperous, with a new pattern of various genres and forms. As a freelance painter, I think more about painting well. How do you call painting good? I think it is to draw according to one's own thoughts, to draw the artistic realm one pursues and to write the artistic language one wishes to express. Everyone's life path cannot be copied. I want to go my own way silently. I admire all the great artists and admire those scholars who have the conditions to follow them to study. But when I needed to study and learn art most when I was young, I was unable to learn from a teacher because of other unshirkable responsibilities. I failed to realize my passion for painting and lost the chance to finish my art studies. Now I am getting older and older. But I still have to try my best to pursue my dream of painting. I will continue to paint in my art world.























关于作者: alvin



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